Eat Your Veggies for Anti-aging Properties

antioxidantsStudies show that a diet high in antioxidants slows down the signs of aging. And, that’s not the only benefit of a diet high in antioxidants; it is also linked with lowering risks of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

There’s simply no reason to pop excess pills and vitamins in order to jump on the anti-aging band wagon.

Nature provides all you need in fresh foods naturally and they don’t come in a bottle or a compressed into a pill. The very best anti-aging products are grown not produced; nature provides all we need by way of anti-aging foods she generously provides. Continue reading

Strong Muscles Fight Off Cancer

strength training and cancerStudies have proven that strength training is every bit as important to protecting your body against diseases such as cancer as your healthy diet is to staying slim.

One benefit of exercising and strengthening your muscles is that it lowers your insulin levels which in turn are one of the most important ways to reduce your cancer risk.
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Understanding Leptin Resistance

letptin resistanceLeptin resistance is very similar to insulin resistance. Chronic levels of leptin decrease the hypothalamus sensitivity to leptin.

Leptin resistance is a chemical problem that needs addressing with proper exercise and healthy eating.

Although leptin resistance is a frontier science there are a few basic things you can do to prevent yourself becoming leptin resistant while we wait for further research to be done.

Avoid high density foods: Any food that are high in calories promote elevated leptin. High density foods have a very high ratio of calories and energy to their total volume. Processed food, fried food, cheesecake, ice-cream, pizza, candies and concentrated sugar drinks all fall in this category. Continue reading

You Can Live A Fully Functional Life

no cancerAn important health goal that we should all be focusing on is to increase the span of living a healthy, fully functional life for as along as possible and that means avoiding disease such as Cancer.

It’s not secret that proper exercise is one of the main contributors towards this goal. In fact, it is not only a main contributor, but it is crucial to warding off ‘old age’. Bottom line is, lifestyle habits that include proper exercising and nutrition can either speed up or reverse disease and aging.

There are two choices in life for all of us. We can either take active roles in our health care or we can become static on our lives. No matter what age we are, it is never too late to make positive changes and reclaim great health. Continue reading

Leading A Sedentary Lifestyle is An Open Door To Disease

sedentary lifestyleLike many things in life we seem to have some things about our health backwards. For example, we are often told to check with our doctors before beginning an exercise program. But, it’s rather curious that no one ever tells us to check with the doctor when we are sedentary and inactive…the times when our bodies are suffering the most.

When the symptoms of our sedentary lives start to show and the human body has reached a broken down state there is no doctor, no drug, no surgery or treatment that can restore true health again.

A sedentary lifestyle is defined as being physically inactive both at work and at home and failing to participate in a vigorous exercise program that includes strength building and maintaining activity several times per week. Continue reading

Fight Cancer With A Strong Body Not A Weak One

cancer freeIt wasn’t that long ago that “sick” patients were told not to exercise in order to avoid too much strain on an ill body. Over the years however studies have proven that this advice is not only wrong it is detrimental to improving our health.

It used to be that if you had a bad heart, exercise was deemed a bad thing. The fear was that another heart attack would be caused by the exercising. It has since been proven that the only way to build a strong heart is through exercise…not avoiding it. Even after a heart attack, the heart muscle needs to be strengthened through proper exercise to help avoid further attacks. Continue reading

Losing Weight is a Mind Game

mind over bodyFor the most part, people who are overweight and experience poor health would love to get healthy and lose the extra pounds and many try and fail repeatedly.

Why does this happen? Somewhere in their “inner” mind programming are old tired ideas, beliefs and inner resistance about lifestyle choices like healthy eating and exercise often built up and ingrained over a long period of time.

Rather than seeing a strong, fit, slim, healthy body as a positive exciting possibility they see it as a source of sacrifice, commitment and effort. Continue reading

Sickness Care Versus Wellness Self-Care

lady walkingIt’s not surprising to find out that the United States makes up 5% of the world’s population yet they consume over 50 percent of the world’s pharmaceutical drugs.

Drugs have side effects…some of them very serious and life threatening. A statistic that is surprising and beyond belief is that medical errors rank as the third cause of death in the US. What does that mean? It means if you are younger than 45, a resident of the US, your number one risk of dying is an encounter with the medical system. Continue reading

The Best Self Health Investment Of A Lifetime – Your Own Health

Throughout our working years we are generally concerned about saving money and investing it wisely so we can have financial security when our working life is over. Yet few of us plan for our health and wellness just when we will need it the most. Somehow we believe that whether we remain well or if we go down a path of disease and illness is merely the result of “Lady Luck’ or fate.

We do not seem to accept the things we do and do not do particularly in the way of healthy eating and proper exercise over the years in the end impacts on whether our health span matches our life span.

With the wealth of information available no… Continue reading

The Importance of Grounding and Earthing for Optimal Health

earthing or groundingGrounding or Earthing is an amazing simple, yet powerful therapy by which we reconnect to the earth’s gentle, negatively-charged surface to restore and maintain the body’s most natural electrical balance.

Since time began humans have had continuous contact with the Earth. Not only do our bare feet touch the ground when we walk, but we’ve slept on the ground not even realizing our connection to the subtle but most important electrical signals that help to regulate our bodies intricate mechanisms. Continue reading