Resolutions for the Prevention of Cancer

cancer1Avoiding contracting one of the deadly diseases such as cancer is an issue that needs to be addressed before the onset of the disease not after.

Even though there are multiple reasons that can attribute to declining health, it has been proven that lifestyle…which is something we are actually in control of…is one of the prime players.

Here’s a shortlist of resolutions that you can make in your own life and choices that will help you to steer clear of cancer and other insidious diseases that not only rob people and shorten their lives, they strip people of any quality of life they do have. Continue reading

Your Wealth in Health

healthy eatingHealth is not a static state or a sporadic burst here and there but an on-going journey of discovering about ourselves. The goal is to achieve a high level of personal vitality and energy and to keep improving our health while at the same time learning how to deal with the inevitable consequences of aging.

However, if you don’t change anything about your diet and lifestyle as you age, you get worse. Just think about it, for the most part, people in their forties and fifties feel worse than people in their twenties or thirties. That doesn’t say much for when we reach our sixties, seventies and beyond. Continue reading

You Can Have Your Cake and Eat it Too!

you can!Dessert and snack lovers everywhere need to know that you can “have your cake and eat it too” with easy-to-make, simple, guilt free raw food healthy treats and delicious desserts that you and your family will savor and return to again and again whenever the occasion calls for a satisfying sweet treat.

Have you ever made a cake without have to bake it or whipped up desserts like chocolate mousse, cookies and ice cream without using sugar, flour, dairy, soy or eggs as ingredients? Does that seem to be out of the realm of possibility?

It is not only possible but in regards to your health it is the preferred way to prepare snacks and desserts. But before you can… Continue reading

Your Heart Needs A Regular Beating To Stay Healthy

shutterstock_20994970They carried him out on a stretcher. The doctor said it was a heart attack; nothing anyone could do. Aged 61 recently retired…. it is an unfortunate script that is played out every day in family homes around the world. At least he didn’t suffer the doctor said, since it happened while he slept.

Despite dramatic medical advances over the past 50 years, heart disease remains the leading cause of death amongst humans accounting for 42 percent of all deaths worldwide.

In the US alone one person dies every 33 seconds from heart disease which is over 2,600 people every single day!  Continue reading

Time to Examine Your Health Bank Account

health bank account

Even though we pay little conscious attention, its true that every action, every morsel, every breath you take is either a deposit into your health or a withdrawal from your health bank account.

All these can take serious chunks out of your Health account:

Visceral Fat is a Problem

visceral fatDid you know that your body has two types of fat?

Subcutaneous fat is found just under your skin and is noticeable. This kind of fat is soft and flabby, it jiggles, dimples and causes cellulite.

Visceral fat is the fat on the inside of your body, under your abdominal muscle. It is way more dangerous than subcutaneous fat because it can surround vital organs like your liver and heart hindering their optimal function. Continue reading

How We Become Susceptible to Cancer

cancer testA recent study published in The Lancet predicts worldwide cancer cases to balloon to 22.2 million by 2030. These stats are up from 12.7 million in 2008. We seem to be heading in the wrong direction when it comes to controlling cancer rates worldwide.

However, despite these scary statistics, there is good news. Research also shows that lifestyle plays the biggest role in our risk for cancer. Genes only account for about 5 percent of cases. Continue reading

Proper Exercise for Real Life Function

iStock_000016940770XSmall (1)A long time ago, there were no intentional exercise programs.

Physical activity was a natural part of life and practically everyone participated in enough movement on a daily basis to keep the body in good condition. Now our modern labor saving devices and the television set have robbed many people of the necessary movement that the human body needs to stay healthy. Continue reading

Exercise Works to Defeat Anxiety and Stress

workoutA growing collection of research shows that stress is possibly one of our greatest immune killers. Chronic physical and mental stress, anxiety and even pessimism have been shown to detract from health in numerous ways including a reduction in immune function.

Reversely, happiness, laughter and strong social ties boost our immunity and protect us against chronic and acute illness. Even our loving pets serve to boost our immunity. Doing what brings you joy and satisfaction, spending time with people and pets you love are all great healers. Continue reading

Exercise for Cancer Prevention

physical activity and cancerThere’s no denying it now, studies have shown that exercise is a very important factor in guarding you against the many types of cancer.

Most cancers are caused by lifestyle factors…not genes. What this means to you is that you can take steps to prevent the chance of cancer appearing in your life.

It’s a sad truth but up to 1/3 of cancer related deaths are caused by obesity and leading a sedentary lifestyle. Physical activity lowers the risk by preventing obesity, reducing inflammation, improving insulin resistance and improving immune system function. Continue reading