Strength Training is Our Armor and Defense Against Disease

chfitness8Everyone knows that our muscles are necessary for body strength…but not everyone realizes that our muscles serve as our armor and defense against disease.

Once we discover that our muscular system actually makes up 50 percent of our body weight it is easier to grasp the fact that any unnecessary loss of muscle is critical to our bodies overall disease protection.

The strength of the muscular system is interconnected with the immune system functions and any reduction in physical conditioning means weakening of this system. Since the immune system is responsible for protecting us from illness and fighting off infection and foreign invaders this leaves us in a vulnerable position in regards to our health. Continue reading

Smoothie Food Choices that Fight and Prevent Cancer…

cancerXfightingWithout a doubt, what we eat reflects in our health.

There are food choices that can help us to avoid cancer and food choices that contribute to creating it.

Cancer thrives in an inflammatory, acidic, oxygen poor environment so whether we are currently in a battle with cancer or trying to live a cancer-free lifestyle…choosing the right cancer fighting foods is mandatory. Continue reading

Empower Yourself Against Cancer

chfitness6If you believe there is nothing you can personally do to prevent cancer…think again.

Nearly 70% of those who get cancer experience it as a lifesyle disease and research studies show that out of all those who die from cancer annually, approximately 1/3 are 100% preventable and another 1/3 are preventable with early detection and proper treatment.

Those numbers are very revealing…they prove that we are empowered to reduce cancer risk by up to 2/3.

Simple easy ways to cancer proof your body that you can adopt immediately:

Enjoy dark green leafy veggies: The darker the color, the more nutrients they contain; the deeper and richer the color the more magnesium-rich chlorophyll they provide. You can steam or sauté them… Continue reading

Sugar, Obesity and Cancer

appleXaXdaySugar has gotten a bit of a bad rap …literally. It seems that people need to have something to focus on as the “bad guy” and right now that one thing is sugar. In fact, many people now believe that sugar itself can actually cause cancer.

Even though the definite proof of sugar’s relationship to cancer has not been completely proven, one thing is for sure…overeating sugar definitely contributes to cancer because of what it does to your waistline. Continue reading

Clean Eating for Cancer Prevention

cleanXeatingClean eating is a simple straight-forward concept that gets rid of all the processed, chemically laden foods in your diet and replaces the with whole natural food choices.

Clean eating will require you to do a lot of your own home cooking. It is not complicated nor is it expensive because cooking foods from scratch is actually less expensive than buying pre-packaged foods.

When you buy pre-packaged food you are not only paying for the food product you are paying for the packaging and convenience. The reason foods are processed in the first place is to make the easier to prepare…easier to prepare maybe…but not healthier for you. Continue reading

Breathing Techniques to Keep Calm and Carry On…

properXbreathing“Don’t forget to breath,” …how often have you heard that…especially when stressed or under pressure? “Take a deep breath” is one of the first things people say to calm others down and there is a very good reason for that.

Truth is, proper breathing is a valuable tool to keep our minds balanced and peaceful.

Efficient breathing is crucial for the delivery of oxygen required by the body to function properly and when you are anxious, you limit your breaths. Continue reading

Control Your Blood Sugar Levels With Healthy, Strong Muscles

fitXasXaXfiddleMost people have no idea how important it is to maintain stable blood sugar levels and yet they are the foundation of good health.

Blood sugar levels used to be equated with diabetics only but even those not diagnosed as diabetic yet but are borderline diabetic can experience its devastating effects on health.

When there is too much sugar in the bloodstream and the body is not able to utilize it, it produces excess insulin to help move the sugar into the muscle cells where it can be used for energy. Continue reading

Ask Yourself “WHY Do You Want To Get Healthy?”

Mbest youotivation, we work hard to get it and we all struggle to keep it.

It’s impossible to shift to a healthier lifestyle and lose excess weight without motivation. Motivation is the driving force.

Understanding the reasons why you want to get healthier is one of the most powerful ways to motivate yourself.

Let’s face it, short-term motivation is most times out of immediate need, such as being crippled in pain with a heart attack. Motivation kicks in to help you prevent this occurrence or pain from ever happening again. Continue reading

Cycle of Cancer Prevention

weightXcycleAlthough poor nutrition and limited/or no physical activity are all related factors that may contribute to raising cancer risk, body weight is another factor that comes into play that seems to have the greatest effect and strongest link to cancer outside of tobacco use.

Being obese or overweight raises the risk of many cancers including gallbladder, liver, cervix, and ovary, prostate (advanced), Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

It is also been linked with increased risk of cancer in post-menopausal breast, colon and rectum, endometrium, kidney, pancreas, and esophagus.

Next to “not smoking,” the single best thing you can do to protect yourself against cancer for is to maintain a healthy weight throughout your life.  Continue reading

Allium and Cruciferous Vegetables for Cancer Prevention

garlic1Most people are not aware that there are thousands of peer-reviewed studies proving that the phyto-nutrients found in plants have the power to reverse and or prevent cancer.

Unless you are searching out this information yourself these studies for the most part lay silent and deaf to your ears because the pharmaceutical industry has not figured out a way to extract these compounds and turn them into profit so they are simply ignored.

A study that was conducted and published in Food Chemistry back in 2009 was a comparative study on the anti-proliferate and antioxidant activities of some of the more common vegetables that are found on the dinner table.

Researchers focused in on the inhibitory effects of 34 vegetable… Continue reading