Proper Exercise

The Importance Of Abiding By The Rules For Cancer Prevention!

The food we consume can be one of the unsuspected causes of cancer. Intake of fat and cholesterol laden foods, insufficient consumption of Vitamins A or C, eating processed foods low in natural fiber, eating contaminated foods, introduction of steroids into the body, sedentary lifestyle, high levels of stress, exposure to industrial pollutants and chemicals or over-exposure to X-rays during medical examinations can all lead to cancers.

When you look at what causes cancer, there seems to be no rhyme or reason. Based on years of research, we can conclude that the more obvious reasons, such as diet and exercise score high in the list of possibilities.

The Disease That Comes With A Death Warrant

Diseases other than cancer behave… Continue reading

The Different Muscular Strength Exercises That Control The Causes Of Cancer!

Eternal life still remains a myth, but your habits could turn back the clock and take you down the road of controlling the causes of cancer, the deadliest disease of all. You can persuade the cells in your body to let you live longer – cancer-free. We are talking about exercises that have the capacity to keep diseases at bay.

“Muscular strength exercises” as the name suggests, involve exercises that improve the strength in your muscles. They can vary widely in intensity, depending on the type of activity and the effort of the individual.

These exercises raise the heartbeat and leave you out of breath. They increase the body’s metabolism by many times its resting level, and this helps numerous… Continue reading

The Anti Cancer Diet: Simplicity Goes A Long Way In Keeping Cancer Away!

cancer fightingIf there is one thing all those companies manufacturing a variety of processed foods are not interested in, it is your health. All they do is help you create your own chemical factory – in your stomach.

If that sounds scary, imagine the scenario where you have to hear the much dreaded life-changing words, “you have cancer.”

A diet change has to happen now, today! What would you eat if you were living in a forest, away from civilization? You would probably eat meat, vegetables, fruits, seafood, nuts and seeds. No chemicals, no refining or processing. Just think of how good these foods are. The nutrition profile of these foods makes them invaluable partners of the anti-cancer diet. Continue reading

Strength Training Exercises: The Core Ingredient In Preventing Cancer!

We may worry about murders or road accidents, but the big killers are cancer and heart disease. More people are dying from disease than natural aging. The latest mortality rates and data show that people are dying more from cancer than circulatory diseases.

But once upon a time, things were very different. People toiled hard and reaped by the sweat of their brow. Their prized possession was -“HEALTH!”

Those days are long gone and we are now at a stage where we need to create some form of intentional physical activity for preventing cancer and other diseases.

Why This Dramatic Change?

The main function of the human body is physical activity.  It has evolved to use large muscle groups… Continue reading