Choose Healthy Proteins for Cancer Prevention


cancer_cellsIf, you’re looking at ways to prevent cancer (and who isn’t?), there are many factors that need to be considered.

Studies show that a diet that is higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates actually inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

Cancer cells have their own unique physiology, preferring to get their energy from sugars.

It’s a well-known fact that a low glycemic diet is healthier for you overall. Not only will it work to lower your risk of cancer, it also lowers your risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity as well.

When choosing your proteins, it very important that you choose healthy proteins. If you choose animal proteins, make sure you go with organic grass-fed (not grain-fed) products that are also hormone free.

Choosing grass-fed animal/protein products assures that you are providing your body with healthy, anti-inflammatory cancer inhibiting omega-3 fatty acids. On the other hand, commercially grain fed animals leave you with high amounts of what you don’t want…pro-inflammatory omega 6 fatty acids.

It’s a sad fact that in our modern lifestyles, our food is tainted with hormone additives and many pesticides and plastics stimulate hormones in our bodies.  Growth hormones and estrogens are typically fed to animals to make them fatter and speed up their development.

The increased exposure to hormones in our food and environment is behind the increase in hormonal cancers such as prostate and breast cancer.

Be careful about your protein choices…animals and dairy products from animals that were fed hormones should be avoided altogether.

You should opt for no less than ½ of your daily protein from plant sources. Opt for legumes, beans, nuts and seed. They are all great vegetable sources of protein.

By eliminating all white, refined bread and grains (opt for whole grains) and all refined and concentrated sugars (white and brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, high fructose corn syrup, agave syrup, candies and any kinds of pastries) and concentrated fruit juice.

Tumor cells need a lot of glucose to grow and thrive (unlike normal cells).  Restricting carb intake (and eating only good carbs) will significantly limit blood glucose and insulin. It has the potential to boost the ability of the immune system to kill cancer cells and prevent obesity which can lead to chronic inflammation and cancer.

Fiber is also important to regulating blood sugar and experiencing normal bowel functions. It’s best to concentrate on eating more non-starchy veggies and less fruit overall. Low glycemic fruits (which are tarter and sour fruits like berries) such as pomegranates and kiwis are high in super antioxidants that protect our cells and our genetic material thus protecting us from cancer.

Bottom line is this:

A diet high in plant proteins and low in carbohydrates can inhibit the growth of cancer cells so if you want to keep cancer at bay then paying attention to your diet is paramount.

Take my 60 second test to find out how you fare on the cancer risk scale.