Weight Loss and the Prevention of Cancer

If you’ve been trying to lose weight but can’t seem to find the motivation to get started, here’s a fact that may give you the push you need: being overweight is one of the main drivers of cancer.


This article provides you with some important information about the fat that dwells inside you, conditions that make you fat, and what you can do about it.


Seen Fat Vs. Hidden Fat

Sure, being sedentary and eating the wrong things have given your body a fat tummy, love handles and large thighs. These unwanted features come from your subcutaneous fat. But did you know that there’s also a type of unseen fat deep inside your body that poses serious health… Continue reading

How To Prevent Cancer With Vegetable Juice

How much money would you pay for a prescription drug that cleanses, energizes, detoxifies, builds, and rejuvenates your system? If your answer is “no money at all,” then you’ve answered well! No drug exists that can do all these things for your health – but vegetables can.
Vegetables do wonders for the prevention of cancer. They supply your system with the precious nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, protein and fats that cancer-proof your body and boost your vitality. But how do you consume enough vegetables to reap these benefits, since you probably struggle to get the recommended daily two to three cups as it is? The answer is simple: juicing!

Vegetable juices can be easily prepared using a wide variety of… Continue reading

How You Can Prevent Cancer by Eating Clean

It’s amazing, but true: Figures from the National Cancer Institute show that 30 to 50 percent of all cancers can be attributed to dietary imbalances. Indeed, our steady consumption of chemicals and processed foods has been taking a horrible toll on our bodies for a very long time.

The good news is that you can take a stand for your health – starting right now. If you’re willing to eat “clean” by choosing the least processed, most nutrient-dense foods available, you will dramatically change your health for the better. If you’re ready to take the plunge into a cancer-free future, here are some ways to take control.



Skip processed foods. Eating chemical-laden, non-nutrient items is a… Continue reading

Getting Grounded to Prevent Disease

For most of human evolutionary history, our continuous contact with the ground provided a beneficial flow of electrons that travelled from the earth to our bodies. Our ancestors walked barefoot and slept on the ground, oblivious to the earth’s subtle electrical signals that helped regulate their bodies’ intricate mechanisms.

But somewhere in our evolution, we stopped connecting with the earth’s primordial healing energy. And now, in our modern civilization with heavily-insulated buildings, cars, airplanes, and rubber or plastic-soled shoes, we’ve distanced ourselves from the earth.

A growing body of research is showing that this lack of contact with the earth may be resulting in the aches and pains, fatigue, poor sleep and stress that many of us experience. Reconnecting ourselves… Continue reading

Prevention of Cancer: What Counts as “Exercise?”

You’ve got a very busy life! Between the housework, grocery shopping, gardening and yard work, playing with the kids, taking the dog for a walk, washing your car, and even volunteer work on weekends, your life has all the exercise it needs, right?

Wrong. As fulfilling and active as your life is, your busy activities can’t be classified as the “exercise” needed to help prevent cancer.

Your Muscles: They’re Not Just for Showing Off at the Beach!

Did you know that a major risk factor for cancer is the shrinking and weakening of your muscles? That’s because your muscular system’s strength is interconnected with your immune system’s strength. Muscles are the storage sites for the proteins needed to produce anti-bodies,… Continue reading

Creating a Mood and Attitude Plan for the Prevention of Cancer

no to cancerEverybody likes to be in a good mood. And, as it turns out, positive emotions aren’t just strong medicine for the soul – they’re good for your physical well-being, too!

Scientists have discovered that your every thought, emotion, and experience influences your health. Emotions such as happiness and optimism tend to boost immune-system function, while sadness and pessimism suppress it. Continue reading

Cancer Prevention and Your Health Bank Account

You already know what makes a bank account unhealthy: too much spending, not enough income, or both. But have you ever thought about your physical health in these terms?

In a very real sense, you were born with a certain amount of credit in your health’s bank account. Over the years of your life, you lose “credit” through unhealthy eating, a lack of proper exercise, sleep deprivation, and the many other stresses your body endures. As you make harmful lifestyle choices, you’re borrowing against your future. And after too much of this borrowing, cancer becomes a likely reality.

Why think of your health in terms of an “account?” Because it will help you become more resolved to make frequent deposits… Continue reading

Five Ways Exercise Helps You Prevent Cancer

You’ve heard it a million times: exercise is good for you. You know that it can improve your quality of living, your appearance, and even your mood. And you certainly already know that a healthy lifestyle with frequent exercising will help you fight illnesses and enrich your body with prevention for cancer. But do you know how?


Exercise Changes Everything: Out With The Bad, In With The Good

When you exercise properly (i.e., in a way that trains your muscles,) your body increases the things that fight cancer while ridding itself of things that promote cancer. Here’s what the research suggests:


1. OUT with high insulin levels

Did you know that proper exercise reduces the levels of insulin… Continue reading