Weight Loss and the Prevention of Cancer


If you’ve been trying to lose weight but can’t seem to find the motivation to get started, here’s a fact that may give you the push you need: being overweight is one of the main drivers of cancer.


This article provides you with some important information about the fat that dwells inside you, conditions that make you fat, and what you can do about it.


Seen Fat Vs. Hidden Fat

Sure, being sedentary and eating the wrong things have given your body a fat tummy, love handles and large thighs. These unwanted features come from your subcutaneous fat. But did you know that there’s also a type of unseen fat deep inside your body that poses serious health dangers?


Unlike subcutaneous fat, visceral fat is hidden under your abdominal muscle. It can be more dangerous than subcutaneous fat because it surrounds vital organs like your liver and heart, hindering their functioning. Visceral fat is also associated with higher levels of estrogen and insulin, both of which can put you at a higher risk for cancer.


Want to lose this life-threatening fat? Besides eating clean, start engaging in strength training exercises! This will rebuild and ‘wake up’ your weakened muscles, which have allowed your body to accumulate fat instead burning it for energy.


Storing Fat Through Insulin Resistance

One factor contributing to your weight condition is insulin resistance – a chemical imbalance that makes your body store more fat than it should. Insulin resistance is caused by eating the wrong type of foods and not getting enough proper exercise. Once you have this condition, you’ll crave the very carbohydrates that cause you to continue gaining weight. Consider this yet another reason why healthy eating and proper exercise are so important!


Gaining Weight Through Leptin Resistance

Another factor that can increase your body’s visceral fat and raise your cancer risk is leptin resistance. Like insulin resistance, this condition is caused by poor eating and a lack of proper exercise.

Leptin is a hormone involved in hunger, your metabolism, and the control of how energy from fats and carbohydrates gets stored and used in your body. When you’re leptin resistant, your body no longer hears its own signals to burn fat, stop eating, or pass up sugary foods.


Take Action Now
There are, of course, a few things you can start doing right now to avoid (or reverse) leptin and insulin resistance. First, lose weight! It’s a catch-22, but being overweight goes hand in hand with elevated leptin levels. Also, be sure your exercise routines include strength training and high-intensity aerobic workouts.
You’ll also want to avoid high-density foods. These are foods that have a very high ratio of calories to their total volume, which promotes elevated leptin. Think processed foods – fried foods, cheesecake, ice cream, pizza, candies and concentrated sugar drinks.


Another important suggestion: eat plenty of good fats. Good-fat intake (things like flaxseeds/meal/oil and animal fats from free ranging animals) combined with quality protein and heavy fibrous carbs will help you stay full and satisfied.


What’s Your Motivation?

Studies show that regular exercise is crucial for getting rid of dangerous visceral fat and normalizing your insulin and leptin levels. So if you’re finding it hard to get motivated to exercise for your appearance, try motivating yourself to exercise for your longterm health! Remember: a few short months from now, you’ll be glad you started today.