Lifestyle Changes

Strength Training Exercises: The Core Ingredient In Preventing Cancer!

We may worry about murders or road accidents, but the big killers are cancer and heart disease. More people are dying from disease than natural aging. The latest mortality rates and data show that people are dying more from cancer than circulatory diseases.

But once upon a time, things were very different. People toiled hard and reaped by the sweat of their brow. Their prized possession was -“HEALTH!”

Those days are long gone and we are now at a stage where we need to create some form of intentional physical activity for preventing cancer and other diseases.

Why This Dramatic Change?

The main function of the human body is physical activity.  It has evolved to use large muscle groups… Continue reading

Prevent Cancer: Say No To Complacency And Unhealthy Lifestyle!

A healthy mind, body and soul, is a perfect state that each one of us can achieve. In an attempt to prevent cancer, all we need to do is make sure our bodies are in perfect balance and they vibrate to the music of life.

“An old Cherokee was telling his grandson about the two wolves inside us: the evil and the good, and the constant battle that goes on between them. The grandson then asks his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?”  His grandfather replies, “The one you feed.””

It is all so very simple.  This old legend talks about life, love and hatred; but the lesson we need to take from this little story is: what we do… Continue reading

Prevent Cancer By Keeping Your Immune System Fighting Fit!

If you have seen someone in the terminal stages of cancer, you would know how painful it is to see them resign themselves to the idea that there is no going back. I have been there and it is something I can never forget and would not want anyone to go through. The predominant question the whole world is searching an answer to is, “how to prevent cancer?”

Research points in the direction of poor lifestyle choices. Having been in the field of fitness for many years, I have seen how matter-of-fact many people are about their health. They do not realize that they may be secretly sabotaging their immune system, losing the body’s natural ability to fight off infections.… Continue reading

Juicing: An Integral Part Of Cancer Prevention Diet!

juicingWhile there is life – and plants – there is hope. Vegetables and fruits are a blessing of the plant kingdom. We keep hearing of “natural cures” for diseases, and it is incredible what may be accomplished by abandoning all processed foods and meat in favor of vegetables and fruits.

Wonderful cures are attributed to the adoption of a vegetarian diet in cases of cancer, tumor and all other complaints, including wounds that refuse to heal.

There is a lot of talk nowadays about “returning to Nature,” but most of us are so used to our synthetic lives, that simplicity spells increased complexity.

The “vegetable cutlet” costs us more than double the time and effort involved in preparing its fleshy… Continue reading