Vitamin C and Cancer


cancerpreventionMost people are aware of the important role that vitamin D plays in overall health but many are not aware of how vitamin C works to prevent cancer.

Vitamin C is a known antioxidant, easily mopping up and relieving us of dangerous free radicals. An antioxidant like vitamin C is a molecule that has free electrons to donate. You might think of it as a particle with extra information to offer. It works to disarm harmful oxidants by giving them one of its free electrons making them stable and no longer any danger to your body.

First shown as a powerful anti-cancer agent back in 1971, it wasn’t until 20 years later that vitamin C was accepted by mainstream medical professionals.

It seems that eating a diet rich in vitamin C substantially reduced the risk of cancer and consuming above 5000 mg a day (about the equivalent of 100 oranges) increases the life expectancy of cancer patients substantially.

In 1991 Dr. Gladys Block (formerly of the National Cancer Institute) published a review of vitamin C linking vitamin C with cancer protection…he concluded that:

“Approximately 90 epidemiologic studies have examined the role of vitamin C or vitamin C rich foods in cancer prevention, and the vast majority have fond statistically significant protective effects.  Evidence is strong for cancers of the esophagus, oral cavity, stomach and pancreas. There is also substantial evidence of a protective effect in cancers of the cervix, rectum and breast. Even in lung cancer there is a recent evidence of a role for vitamin C.”

Of all antioxidants, vitamin C is the most extraordinary. It is believed to help prevent as well as treat cancer through enhancement of the immune system. It stimulates the formation of collagen which is a necessary ingredient for preventing tumors, preventing metastasis (spreading of cancer) by inhibiting a particular enzyme and keeping the ground substance around tumors intact, preventing viruses that cause cancer and correcting any vitamin C deficiency found in cancer patients. It also works to speed up wound healing in cancer patients after surgery, enhances the effectiveness of some types of chemotherapy drugs, reduces the toxicity of chemotherapy and prevents free radical damage neutralizing some carcinogens.

The benefits provided by vitamin C against cancer is strongest in cancers of the mouth, esophagus, lung, pancreas, stomach and cervix.

Some great vitamin rich foods that are easy to obtain are:

Peppers: 100 mg

Broccoli: 110 mg

Cauliflower: 60 mg

Kiwi Fruit: 85 mg

Brussels sprouts: 62 mg

Papayas: 62 mg

Tomatoes: 60 mg

Oranges: 50 mg

Lemons: 80 mg

And the list goes on…

To date research and studies are supporting the importance of eating a diet rich in vitamin C. Even though supplementing with vitamin C can help prevent some cancers, higher doses like 10 grams or more a day is best…however these higher levels need to be taken under the guidance of your health practitioner.

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