
Potent Power of Brussel Sprouts

brusselsIf you’re searching for the “perfect” food that is nutrient dense, tasty and easy to prepare, a rich source of antioxidants and phytochemicals (proven to fight cancer), look no further than under-appreciated Brussel sprout.

Although originally native to Belgium, they are now cultivated throughout Europe and the U.S. with nearly all U.S. Brussels sprouts now grown in California.

Brussels sprouts are an important dietary source of many vitamins and antioxidants including vitamins A and C, the mineral manganese, flavonoid antioxidants like isorhnnetin, quercitin, and kaempferol, as well as antioxidants caffeic acid and ferulic acid. They help us prevent chronic, excessive inflammation through a variety of nutrient benefits like their glucosinolate content. Continue reading

Foods that help Prevent Cancer

eat-your-medicineThe development of cancer and the role that diet plays are continually being studied.

Are there really “super” foods that can help you to avoid chronic diseases such as cancer or is it all a bunch of steam?

Truth is, there are foods that show cancer-fighting properties though no one is yet able to identify any one food over another that will stop cancer dead in its tracks.

Studies show that a diet consisting of colorful fruits and vegetables (yellow, green, orange, red, white, purple and blue should all be included) is key to avoiding debilitating diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Continue reading